

Women with
They are a person inside of me. She wanted to come out, but she was scared. She will notice her. So she hid behind her flesh. They won't see her true self. If they do, they will destroy her image. You think she is weak, but she is so much more than that. You can't imagine how many try to break me. But my Survivor skills started to kick in. She is firm within herself. But she doesn't see that she is free. She doesn't feel in her heart. The memories stood with me like a lost child. Suppose I can be anything else. I won't be a victim to your touch. But you made that decision for me. Now, I am stuck with that feeling of emptying. But when she comes out, she will be stronger than ever. She will see all the signs in front of her. You will see her, you won't believe it. You mate, think to yourself, who is this person I am talking about? In short and simple, this is the person I want to be. She is the best of me.