

Don't judge your journey by the world's expectations!
I see this alot lately. That in our communities we judge each others journeys. The new self absorbed term like Toxic has everyone gassed up and judging others. Every one's journey isn't the same. Some of us didn't have the parent to fall back on when we went out and tried life and life kicked our asses. Some of you got to go home , hit the reset button reevaluate your life and try again. Some of us , just left and have been out here figuring it out in real time. I'm sure we all have been toxic to someone in our lives where we needed them more then they needed us. So how could I look at someone else and judge them when i did B.S. tin my lifetime. Now that people have found loop holes in success through social media they want to scream started from the bottom and get rid of these people or those people when they were once that. Your journey is your own and if your busy worried about what , how , when , who was doing what then your not committed to your own journey. It's a long road , walk it in your time and as long as your trying then don't judge others or yourself. Judge yourself when you stop trying , if you give up and say I can't get better this is what I am. You gave up. But as long as you dust your self off and fail , fall , and get back up. You will always be closer and better then when you started!
© ockindev213