

Just a smile will do
We met on a bus like it was yesterday. I try not to think about that day. You looked at me and I looked at you. With just a smile, my heart began to beat. The abyss suddenly surrounded me.
In the middle of it, there was a tiny spark.
Before I realized it, What I saw was just your smile being reflected on my face.
Every Monday was a thrill to be in that space with you. Just a smile was okay, sometimes with your friends or your little brother. Every time was even more mesmerizing than the last. The following Monday, like always, you greeted me with a smile, and I did the same... But just about stepping out of the bus, rather than smiling, you waved. Shocking but I waved.
Next time, I hoped to see your smile once again. I waited, carrying mine. But with each time period, I began to put the pieces back together. That was the last goodbye. With just a smile, I walked out of the bus.