

Im sorry.
I had a panic attack when I was smoking On the windowsill
I couldn't breathe, i felt like i was out of my body, my heart was pounding, i wanted to scream but i couldnt, and all I was thinking about was that the only thing that could calm me down was you
It breaks my heart that I cannot help you go through whatever you're going through right now. It breaks my heart that your friends can help you and I cannot.
I wish I was enough for you But me not being able to help myself, shows me that I will not be able to help you.
It always made me sad that all that could help my best friend was her boyfriend, and I never could calm her down.
I was always the source of her problems. Now im sad that all that can help you is your friends. And now I am the source of your problems. I wish I could he better for you, but I cant. And I'm sorry.

I love you.