

Speech Impediment

Waves of assumptions come in, hanging above her head like an unmirrored lens; her tongue is held by two thousand rocks, making her voice sound as if she's off her rocks
she wishes to speak until her larynx turns to mud, until she loses her breath in every lung. her heart fears every countless judge. she's jealous of those who can speak, their words rambling like loud drums, without the weight of wondering eyes in sight.

When she's quiet, people assume that she thinks the world revovles around her knees, or they think something's wrong. But when her mouth speaks, every word that hangs beneath her tongue, she's comical relief. Leave her be; she has a speech impediment—shes not dumb.

Being called stupid is far worse than being called ugly; beauty fades, but 'dumb' is forever. We'll all be shriveled up once old age comes, but never will we be equal when it comes to how we use our brains.""You could argue that she cares too much, but when you've worked all your life only to be treated like a child because of how you sound, your pride runs thin. she might as well not be human to begin.

© starrose