

Diddy is done

Diddy is done…

This is a distraction…
It truly is…
But I wanna tell women
If a man kicks you in your stomach
Punch you in your face
That man doesn’t love you
He don’t love you….
He’s not a man
He’s a little boy….
And we can’t be cryin over some little boys…

Diddy is a boy
He’s childish
He’s a monster
Reminds me of Ike
Remember Ike Turner?
I’ve never been in an abusive relationship
I don’t want to….
But I know
Love isn’t a punchin bag…

And that goes for men, too
If a woman hits you
Smack your face
A lot
To the point she will make you bleed
She doesn’t love you…..
You shouldn’t be in a toxic situation

Real partners
Love you
Don’t abuse you…
They don’t hit you
They don’t talk bad about you
They don’t try to murder you

And I’m glad that
Cassie got away
From Diddy…he would of
Kill her like he killed Kim porter

I’m advocatin
For real love
For healthy strong relationships
For two people who are willin to stay
Devoted to one another…

And I stand by that…

Cos nobody deserves toxicity
Nobody deserves abusive relationships

And Diddy is done…
I saw that video
He’s a boy
He’s a coward
With feminine traits
And somebody has abused
Him yet it’s still wrong
So everybody in his circle
Needs a punishment especially
The elites….

Diddy is done
I know it’s a distraction
I wanna send a message
To the women and men
That they need to be careful

The ones who are in abusive relationships
I hope there’s a lesson for y’all
I hope y’all could leave
Cos if y’all don’t see this as a sign

It’s goin to get worse….
Yes Diddy is done…💯💔✊🏿©️ Kai C. 5-18-24
© Kai C..