

If I was you.
If I could be you, I would make you see,
How you actions are effecting me.
Illd call you names and light the flame,
Then shut you down and say your to blame.
Illd show you temper in the most childish ways,
Illd make you question yourself over the coming days.
Illd shout you down if you try to speak,
Take away your strength so you feel weak.
I will degrade you and make you feel so small,
Make you feel not worthy at all.
I'll make you afraid by the way that I stand,
Make sure you know I'm first in command.
Illd use my voice to demonstrate my rage,
Try and control how you behave.
And if you stand up to me then oh boy you'll see,
Just how much of a monster I can be.
I've got the words to cut at your core,
Leave you feeling broken on the floor.
But I'm happy I am not you,
For I have morals and theres stuff I would not do.
I go silent in times of rage,
To Keep my beast inside her cage,
For I feel the hurt and the pain,
When you spout your words, which you say I'm to blame.
I wouldn't inflict that upon you,
Wich you find so easily to do.
But there's only so much I can hold back,
Until the day I finally crack.
And so help you god if do,
For you wouldn't have the strength like me to see it through!

© Melis5211