

The rise and fall of dictatorship
With clenched fists, iron rule is enforced.
The Pearl of Africa has been stifled by its silent tendrils.
The people's voice is buried beneath.
They dream of freedom, liberty, and a return to democracy.

The people lounge in the shadows, their dreams deferred.
One man's absolute word is still the preferred choice.
Over the sound of freedom and democracy.
A ruthless dictator silences the country that supported his rise to power.

Walls may rise, and AK-47s may roar.
The people's hearts are still resolute.
Compared to the hollow and drooping chest of the old tyrant,
The fight for liberty and human rights is enshrined in the constitution.

Assert, resist, and let courage shine through.
Their opposition stems from those who are cruel and unrepentant.
Corruption and nepotism have plagued the people of the sun.
While the ruler's kin dip their icy fingers into the country's resources.

So hear this, ye of steely grip.
Your time is only a fleeting blip in our minds.
Every day, people's willpower increases.
For those who disagree have vanished, while others have been kidnapped and tortured.
A new Phoenix will emerge and confront the darkness.

No iron throne can endure an eternal sit.
The necromancer's crown is not as heavy as the scepter,
Of those who demand their country.
The youth have a new voice and musketeer.

The collective call is a bitter verse to the political stooges,
That a dictatorship rises and falls.
Since independence, the country has had its share of dictators.
And most of these Stalins have died in exile or fallen on their swords.
Every year, the bloodthirsty dynasty becomes isolated by the people.

Stand down, stand aside, as history unravels.
A new dawn will arrive when least expected.
The dictator's empire of fear and bloodshed,
Will crumble like a castle of sand to the echo of 'Freedom's land.'

© Mwebe Morgan