

The place where I grew up
In this house, things are high fidelity.

Walls all covered by paintings, and prints of notable artists,
Shelves, many of them, occupied by the greatest classics of our times,
A whole encyclopedia.

Deep essays of great philosophers,
A few ancient tomes, even a scroll,
Handwritten by a solicitor of the seventheenth century.

Primitive cameras, the ones that you look from above.
Sea shells, fine objects from remote lands,
African masks, the tip of a roman lance.

Superb paintings,
Smart monographs of minor masters.
And Drawings,
A museum for a home.

Photos in silver frames.
Happy pictures of holidays,
Super happy, super fun,
Big fishes, and great deals,
Giant throphies, weddings, births.
See me!
Merry Christmas, everyone!

An enormous persian rug,
Sits at the centre of the hall,
Scenes from the garden of eden,
Hiding abysses of despair.

© The Wrench Poetry