


"If you're tired keep going,
If you're hungry, keep going,
If you're scared, keep going,
If you want to taste freedom..."

These were the words of the great slave abolitionist' Harriet Tubman
She knew that though they were slaves,
They were not meant be what others thought of them
Because it's not about what you are
It's all about who you are.

I learn' that everyone was born to be something
That for every problem in our society
There's always someone born to fix it
If they only knew who they were
I learn that every one should be valued no matter what they are
Because it's not all about what you are
It's all about who you are

So don't be discouraged by what others say,
For you're not meant to be what others think,
Because it's not all about what you are,
It's all about who you are
So keep going,
Because tomorrow has been designed for you,
If you win the attacks,
The heartbreaks, the disappointments- if you trust God
If you want to taste freedom..

You gotta have to unlock the potential within'
Fan into flames the gifts of the holy spirit that were given to you by the laying on of hands,
Do the thing you were born to do
And let no one despise you for your youth.
For you're not meant to be what others think,
Because it's not all about what you are,
It's all about who you are

So cast down every argument
And refute every tongue that rises against your future
Because deep within is the great person you're born to be
David was a shepherd crowned king
So don't despise anyone for their current situation,
Because you don't know what's is gonna be in the next station,
What no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no human mind can comprehend -the things that God has prepared for those who love him.

So fan into flames the gifts of the holy spirit
Do the thing you're born to do
And let no one despise you for your youth.
For there's a day that God will reward you
So don't go back to your past,
Nor listen to destiny Killers,
For you're not meant to be what others think,
Because it's not all about what you are
It's all about who you are.

And though,
"If you're tired, keep going
If you're hungry, keep going
If you're scared, keep going
If you want to taste freedom
Keep going."

© saakigift