

Love Triangle
Look now...
How did we ended here?
In a room full sadness and betrayal,
Locked inside, like jail birds.
Arguing over your stupid mistakes,

I thought I was the only one for you,
The love of your heart,
Clearly I was such a fool..
To believe all your love tails.
I should have smelled the soil before rain come,
Sadly I failed to predict tomorrow.

You had a choice,
Right from the beginning,
Yet you choose to double the odds,
And now you are faced to choose,
Between two queens of your heart.
Whom between us, you wish to keep.?
Who do you think deserve to inherit your last name?

U said you hated love triangles,
So I stayed away from inviting a spare wheel in our love chain..
But here you are...
Giving me half of what was mine alone.

© Chavani Ripfumelo Constacia