

Last Goodbye
Who am I to tell her she has to live on if she does not want to?

With the black raven on her shoulder
Walking true the thick fog
Her lily feet barely touching the earth
Slowly coming closer to the end of her path
Where nothing but emptiness awaits
Slowly day after day
Word after word
Cutting deeper and deeper
Till there is no blood left to be bleed
Only an empty shell

The eyes glassy
No more stories to tell
The pain all forgotten
With the numbness left
Coming closer and closer

With her last words
Promise me...
She fly to the sky
With the black raven on her side

Who am I to judge
Who am I to forbid
Forbid her the last wish
I promise, I promise...

With the last words of promises
I buried you deep down
Like a time capsule
To dig you up after years has passed
To remember you
And our promise

© sereena_ writings