

Inner child
Their words break me
When I look at my brother crying
it feels like someone has
stabbed a knife in my heart
it reminds me of my childhood days
Those scars will never heal
those days always haunts me
childhood memories are not
memorable for everyone
that little child inside of me
is still afraid of people
Don't I Deserve Love?
no one ever loved me
why did they do this to me?
Am I that bad?
They broke this heart into so many pieces
that only wanted love
the heart that is full of love
is now afraid of love
Will I ever be happy again?
Or I'll keep pretending it like I do now
Oh Lord take me with you
I don't want to live
in this cruel world anymore
my soul is aching
my heart is crying
I feel like dying
always tried to be okay
it's enough now
I'm tired of trying
I'm tired of trying.

Pic from : Pinterest
#writco #poetry #Heart #pain

© rõõh