

Love & Light Within Her Heart
Brunette bleached to blonde she went,
A transformation, bold and meant.
But she was not her hair, you see,
Her beauty emanated from deep within, free.

For her soul was a beacon, shining bright,
Illuminating the darkest of night.
In her eyes, a universe unfurled,
A kaleidoscope of dreams, swirled and twirled.

Her laughter, a melody, pure and sweet,
Echoing through valleys, with joy replete.
Her kindness, a gentle breeze, touching all,
In her presence, barriers would easily fall.

She walked with grace, each step a dance,
Leaving traces of hope in her glance.
Her strength, a fortress, unwavering and strong,
In her heart, a chorus of love's song.

So though her hair may change its hue,
Her essence remains steadfast and true.
For she is not defined by outward art,
But by the love and light within her heart.

© Metta_Zen