

Ignore those who always belittle and trivialize.
Ignore those who look down on you,
Thinking that you can't survive a day without them,
You did survive before their entrance into your life sweetheart,
They come and go,
That's what human life is.
As long as grass still grows and birds still fly,
Nothing matters more than health and happiness,
The ridicule of others is nothing but words.
They talk even when they don't know a thing about you,
They judge,
Some think looks are everything,
You can't be fat,
You are too slim,
You eat a lot,
You don't eat,
So, pace yourself, take your time, and lie low.
Live your life the way you want,
Work harder for yourself,
The fruits of your labor will eventually show.

I don't know if these are my actual words because I thought about everything that happens in day-to-day life. I'm not gonna claim a copyright.