

I feel hopelessly weak
Too many emotions
Growing inside my bruised and breaking soul
They´re climbing while gaining strength
As I´m failing at trying to keep them under control

They´re bursting in
Fighting against each other with pure rage
Trying to tear me into pieces
While I´m helplessly trapped in their invisible cage

I´m tossed and turned
As I´m running away while staying in place
Silently thriving inside this chaos
Yet reaching for a damper to clear out the filled space

Slowly chasing it all away
With every new sip that I so eagerly take
Yet I can still feel them watching
Patiently waiting for the ever returning ache

I feel hopelessly weak
Not knowing how to handle the things I hold back
All these emotions I keep inside
While almost begging for them to find a forgotten crack

Hating that tiny part
That keeps wanting for misery to heed my call
As I´m finding a new focus
Within the pain that blooms from punching the wall…

© BellaWritingHere