

Physics falls in love with poetry
In the realm where physics meets literature's embrace,
Two souls intertwined, their hearts set to chase.
He, a physics nerd, with equations in his mind,
She, a lover of words, with novels she'd find.

He compared their love to quantum's mystery,
Where particles dance in a quantum symphony.
Her heart, a novel, with chapters yet to unfold,
Love's story written in words, precious as gold.

Together they merged their passions so grand,
Physics and literature, hand in hand.
For in the laws of nature, they found poetry,
And in the verses of words, they found unity.

Physics, enchanted by literature's grace,
In awe of the stories, the characters they embrace.
Literature, captivated by physics' might,
The universe's secrets, shining so bright.

Their love, a fusion of science and art,
A symphony of words, a dance of the heart.
Where equations and metaphors intertwine,
Physics in love with literature, a love so divine.

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