

You Cold Gaze
I gaze into your cold eyes,
Seeking even a hint of warmth,
I've wasted my lifetime only to realize,
All my efforts were futile,
Your love was never destined for me,
Left stranded, empty-handed,
Beneath the weight of your indifference,
Feeling insignificant under your stare,
If only I were them,
Perhaps then you'd show me affection and care.

I love you too much, yet I wish I could not,
For your words cut deep, leaving scars unseen,
I know you're in pain,
But why am I the sole recipient of your indifference?
You possess boundless love to share,
Why can't you spare even a fraction for me?
Why am I always cast aside?
Only remembered when you're in need.

In my quest for the slightest warmth,
Your loving gaze and tender embrace,
I've exhausted all my efforts,
Yet they prove futile and never enough,
Your icy stare pierces my soul,
Your taunting words tear me apart,
The weight of your indifference leaves me with doubt,
Why am I always the one looking down,

Afraid to meet your judgmental eyes?
Stealing glances at you,
Decoding every expression, deluding myself with lies,
Tiptoeing around you,
Cautious with every uttered word,
Fearful of a single misstep.
All I yearned for was a glimmer of warmth,
Yet left with nothing but empty hands,
Feeling diminished, gazing at your back,
Forever lingering in your shadow lands.

If only I could be them,
Would things be different then?
Would you not look at me this way?
Your cold, piercing gaze leaves me with doubt,
I long for your warmth and affection, though not meant for me,
I've squandered my life, only to realize I'm merely an extra,
Dismissed when unneeded, disregarded, and forgotten.

© shine