

I Promise
I promise the world
I will help it grow
For the better
Till my time is overdue


I promise you
Your life will change
Out of the blue
And give you something real in exchange
For all the pain you went through

I promise everyone who is hurting
Your feelings are valid and you are worthy
Of love and every other good thing
That you wish to experience

Not the abuse
From people who treated you like an experiment

Whether it's family or friends or coworkers or strangers
Whether you had good times or none at all

Those stings still sting
That scar is still a scar you can see
The voice still whispers under your breath
Those thoughts still pop up into your head
These memories still break you
They still wish you were dead

So I promise you, one day
Those stings will not burn as much
You won't be inclined to stare at that scar as a reminder of your past, thinking that is who you are, forever
Instead, you may even wear it, to show you survived

Those whispers won't be as loud, and actually be whispers, only coming by once in a while, to see how well you're doing.
I must warn you that they might be jealous of how well you are actually doing though

And like the voices, the thoughts will be rare
Only comming out when you are low to try and take advantage of you.
This time, I promise you will tell them you're stronger

You'll be able to tell your story, your hurt, your pain
To people you trust
You'll heal

I can't say much about the memories
Other than
The memories will be there
As a reminder
For how far you've come
How far you've grown

So you can look back and tell yourself
Keep going, we'll get there, together

I know in my heart
That you will know what's in yours

And be able to follow the stars
Watch as our futures unfold

No longer am I held back
For I am off chasing my dreams now


I promise myself
That I'll think about me
Rather than the words
That wish to kill me

© Exer