

Day After Day After Day
She toils through the day,
Without a word or a nay,
She earns her daily bread,
Not a tear does she shed...

she repeats the same steps
day after day after day
she never strays from normal
afraid to be different from what is exceptable

when she works she gets the job done
always doing more than what she needs
too scared to be yelled at
for not doing enough

she doesn't stop
needing to take a breath
but not being able to breath
the dress is too tight
but they all think it looks nice

trying to impress
not feeling herself
in a mini cocktail dress
saying she needs to go home
the boss tells her to stay

out of fear she doesn't leave
works and works and works
until one day her boss took it too far
no one believes her
and she gets fired
now to scared
to work and work and work
scared it would happen again
no one believes her
not even her bestfriend

she closes herself off from the world
never to be heard again
always working on everything else
and never focusing on herself
© Caitlin