

I was born with a flower behind my ear
And dirt beneath my fingernails
I was born with blades of grass sprouting from my scalp, begging to be seen, begging for air
I was born with moonlight in the whites of my eyes and sunlight built in to the yellow of my hair
I was born with dots of soil on my skin,
Spread across my arms and cheeks like fallen sunflower seeds

I am grateful that the seeds of the universe found a home on my skin
I am happy that I am the sky looking down on the water, grass and stone that lays below
And that I am also in the creatures chattering beneath the same watchful sky's big blue glow
I am glad to be the ocean, wild and free and true
And I am happy to be each grain of sand,
each individual speck just as unique as me and you
I am happy that I am happy now
And I am glad that I can go all the way up to smiles and down to frowns
I am happy to be a witness of something so very vast and so profound
So quiet and so loud
I am grateful and I am happy and I am proud
© beccabug