

Time Healing Dealer
If time is a healer, bring me the dealer,
For I'm weary of waiting, my wounds open wider,
Each passing moment, a cruel reminder,
Of the pain that I carry, a burden so dire.

I've sought solace in silence, in the depths of the night,
But the echoes of sorrow, they refuse to take flight,
They linger and haunt me, like shadows unseen,
A constant companion, in a world so unclean.

I've walked through valleys, I've climbed high peaks,
I've searched for the answers, in the words that I speak,
But time marches onward, relentless and cold,
Leaving behind scars, etched in stories told.

So if time is a healer, then let it be swift,
Bring me the dealer, lift this heavy rift,
For I long for the comfort, the embrace of relief,
To find peace in the chaos, to heal and to breathe.

But until that moment, I'll hold on and fight,
I'll cling to the hope, in the darkest of night,
For time may be cruel, but it's also kind,
And in its passing, healing I'll find.

© Metta_Zen