

The coming of times
The Coming of Times (An Ode to all those people who still fight for equality in many parts of the world.)

Do you not feel the strong gust of wind?,
Flowing strongly, transcending the laws of God,
Signaling the changing times, perhaps a new age
Do you not see it? Doesn't it make you fell odd?

Do you not see the hints of time?,
That change is here, and hence starts a new age,
You can bolt the doors, you can put restraints,
But they won't stop for they will break the cage.

Do you not experience the growing resent?,
Among those whom you had controlled.
You can break their thumbs, and squash their dreams, or simply let the new change the old.

Do you not see their struggle?,
To get what is theirs', the right to live and thrive.
Is it really so unreasonable for them,
to demand things for which all humans strive?

Do you really not see the signs from above?
Isn't it clear that their cause is sanctioned by
the almighty creator whom we all workship,
and That by confing them, it's the divine we defy?

Do you really not understand,?
That what they ask for was theirs' all along.
When you take away the freedom, given
To them by God himself, Is it not wrong?

They say - storms cast their shadows before,
Well, coming events do so too.
The new age has come and the great wave of its beginning will not be stopped by any of you.

New times have come, as the prophesies said,
And now you must leave this impropriety,
No longer shall one be oppressed by another,
For this is the dawn of a new society.

© Random Legionary (Rudraksh)

#Rights #OpenForInterpretions