

smile 😁
hi 👋
need is two minutes in a quiet space where you can take the time to breathe........

Smile and be happy
It’s a cliché for a reason. A smile can spread like wildfire. If you take the time to smile every day, you may just find that small moment of positivity affects your entire day and even the way others see you.

Similar to taking deep breaths, smiling induces a chemical reaction which helps lift your mood. It can even boost your immune system and relieve stress. Take a positive outlook on those small daily struggles and you might just find they’re not as stress-inducing as you first thought.

Smiling can be a trick to the brain into thinking you’re happy. It spreads positivity to those around you and can affect your entire day. You’ve probably done it yourself without realising, but most humans’ perceptions and reactions of a person happen the moment they see them. If you start the day with a smile, you’re more likely to encourage others to react in a similar fashion.........