

A Silent Anthem
I sang a song with no words,
A melody unheard, by the chirping birds.
In the silence, my heart composed,
A symphony of feelings, deeply enclosed.

Each note a whisper, soft and profound,
Echoing emotions, without a sound.
Through the corridors of my soul it flowed,
A ballad of love, in silence bestowed.

The rhythm danced in the spaces between,
Where words falter, and silence is seen.
A serenade woven with threads of air,
A silent anthem, beyond compare.

The music spoke in the language of the heart,
A masterpiece painted on the canvas of art.
No lyrics needed to convey the theme,
Just the notes, like a moonbeam.

I sang a song with no words,
Yet, the universe listened and stirred.
For in the silence, a song was born,
A timeless melody, forever sworn.

© Metta_Zen