

How I feel your love
Some time ago, you told me that
Loving someone is wanting to
Spend time with them, wanting to
Be in their arms and wanting to stay there forever.
At the time I wasn’t thinking about it,
I wasn’t thinking about you.
Today I know
I can feel it.
I want to spend time with you,
Hours, days and years.
I want to spend my life in your arms,
See you every day,
Laugh with you, cry with you,
I fucking want to live with you.
All our moments make me so happy.
A feeling I only feel with you.
I feel like I want you,
Just you, nobody but you.
I want to know you from beginning to end,
I want to know your story
Your strengths and weaknesses,
Your qualities and defects,
Your secrets or your sins,
Everything that makes you extraordinary.
I’ll follow you wherever you go,
And if I have to give it all up,
Darling, I’ll do it for you.
I lived through difficult moments,
The light was no longer shining,
It was dark it was cold
And every second collapsed on me.
I wanted to shorten the time
I wanted to shorten my life.
You showed up, you turned the light on,
You took me in your arms and you said
"You’re a good person, you deserve to be happy, honey".
And in your voice it sounded real
In your voice it meant something.
I believed you
I believed it.
I got up I fought and I still fight,
For you, for us.
Darling I tell you all this because
I love you...
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