

Here I Am/ Crap Hits the Fan
Here I am.
Staring at the girl with the eyes of a galaxy.
In those eyes is a black hole.
It sucks me I’m slowly but surely,
Till her eyes absorb me.
Then I’m lost in them.

Here I am.
Feeling her warmth as her heart beats rapidly.
Feeling the love it spits out at you.
You can imagine love personified,
As if it’s speaking to you, yelling really.

Here I am.
Here you are.
Here we are.
But, are we here?

What’s happening?

Remember that galaxy?
She lost that spark.
So, now it’s just a black void.
One of sorrow.
I don’t care though,
You can still fall through a void for forever.

Remember that heart?
Remember when it beated rapidly?
Now it’s slowed down.
It’s at a normal pace,
Like a cogwheel doing its automatic movement.
I don’t care though,
A heart that beats at an automatic pace,
Is still a heart.
That will beat until it rusts, pumping love.

It takes a flame reignite a spark.
It takes a machine to keep a heart beating.
It takes one person to make fall in love.
Takes two to make a fusion of one.
So, that the system repeats.

Why do I think like this?

Help me, so that I can help you.

In order to share grief.

So, we can become one.

*Took some inspiration from my friend,*
*Beansareok, thank you.*
*Dani thank you for reminding me that imagery inspires beauty.*