

No Beginning, No End
The Lord, our God, is a good Father.
When we leave what's good up to Him.
For He has a clear and eternal perspective.
While our perspective is obscured by sin.
In His love, we are part of a glorious story
That has no beginning or end.
What else can we ask of our Lord and Savior,
Beyond the blessings He's already sent?

When He walks with us on our spiritual path,
He leads us, for we need to be
And if we abide in Him, He holds our hearts
As He fulfills all that He's pledged
He has promised to be our good Shepard,
Providing for our daily bread.
And if we trust in His love and goodness
He vows to keep us safe, warm, and fed.

When we keep our eyes stayed on His,
We are connected by the Holy Spirit.
That doesn't mean there will be no danger,
It only means we don't have to fear it.
For He promised we will always be safe;
If we keep His kingdom near.
A kingdom made from perfect love,
Perfect love that drives away fear.

He never promised to make our lives easy.
In fact, He promised we would have tribulation.
Still, where else could we possibly go?
When He is the only path to Salvation.
So, is there anything we could possibly ask for,
Beyond what the Lord has already given?
We could all kneel and pray for His grace,
To make peace in this world, that we live in. ( For Now)
© Linda Troxell