

Hidden in Obscurity
So what if I’m published in multiple books distributed around the world.
So what if my picture hangs in the halls
or on walls throughout the world.

It’s strange when you live a quite life
and nobody knows who you are.
You’re published in books,
your art is on walls,
and no one knows who you are.

They see you on tours,
your picture in paintings
but nobody knows who you are.
They see you on screens
and even when reading
but nobody knows who you are.

But you like it that way
because you can live in silence
While everyone looks at your art.
They admire the painting
Paying no regard
to this insignificant star.

Dust is what you are
and to dust you shall return.
No one will ever discover the truth
Stay hidden to not get hurt.

It’s fine because it doesn’t matter
but somehow it gives you purpose.
It makes you feel
that your somewhat needed
just to fill a purpose.

People say “you look so familiar” but they can’t figure out where they met you.
You just smile and nod, and walk away
and know where they probably seen you.

And I like it that way
because I can live in peace
and not worry about being bothered.
I can immerse myself in the things I enjoy and constantly stay inspired.

My joy derives from helping others
and giving them a reason to live.
My artwork is a means to an end
to help others to not forget.

That there’s more to life then what we see.
The pain we feel will wane.
Do what you can to forgive those you love
And remember from where you came.

© JustAnotherInkling🎨