

Where's the Love?
Image credit : Cristian Craig from Cute Wallpapers.
So many poems - So many songs,

So many letters & novels,

All in vain,

In a world burning by hate.

Where's the lover's love when it's needed the most?

All empty activisms exposed,

Every fake romanticizers proven unworthy,

Only a shallow shenanigan.

Yet hope,

The undying - ever-guiding spirit,

Always giving one more chance.

If the world can burn by hate,

So can it flourish by a mere touch of love.

For wherever there's love, there's life,

And wherever there's life, there's joy,

In the barren-vast darkness of eternity,

The empty-infinite void called Universe.

Now's the last chance for every believing lover,

Every Lennon, every Beatle, every Counter-Culture...

Every Gandhi & Mandela, and Luther King Jr...

And every Jesus, Buddhas & Lamas,

Every Yogis and Hare Krishnas,

Rumis and their Sufis, and the Rajneeshis - Around the World,

To quell the fire of hate,

With their flowers of love.

To counter the weapons of mass destruction,

With their weapons of hugs N kisses, flutes N guitars.

So rush down your cocoons,

Break-free from the barriers of your homes,

Out in the Streets.

Spread the fragrance of love in unison,

Everywhere you go,

Before the fire of hate becomes perpetual,

Engulfing the very vestige of humanity,

Within its fangs.

© Kishan Trivedi

#war #peace #Love&love! #hugs #kisses #music #lastchance #Message