

Who I am
I'm an odd one
I have no one
Other than my mom,of course
Fierce, determined, wanting success
Being glued to a chair with wheels doesn't
Suppress me, at least not anymore
I used to be a dark horse
I used to love running without ever catching my breath
After running for so long
My feet began to hurt
My heart speeding
I started walking to a speed of a snail
When my last fuel was used up
I collapsed
My head fell into a riverbank
When i felt the water hitting my face
It was like I was revived from the dead
And more water
At some point
I stopped
Because I was revitalize
I thought of running again
Just before I got up
Something in the water took my attention
It was my reflection staring back at me
I tried changing the image
But it didn't
The water was showing me
Who I am and I couldn't change that fact

© m. k