

From the Mind of First Love
We are all just one family,
One family living variations of one life.
We are just one family bound by love,
A dream from just one mind.
We must not forget we are only one heart,
Beating to the rhythm of God's love.
We are only one heart beating together,
With the heart that beatsà above.
Remember we are alive in one another;
We will exist together or we will cease to exist.
For we are extensions of one another
Like a prayer is an extension of a wish.
Because we are alive in one another
We must cooperate in how we live.
Each of us was made in love,
And in that love, made to forgive.
Never forget we sink or swim together;
We are bound by each other's fate.
God joined us one to the other
So there would be no room for hate.
We were created to be His family,
For our hearts to beat with His heart above.
We are separate, yet joined together.
One dream from the mind of first Love.
© Linda Troxell