

Forever with you
What if I die someday,
Someday sooner than we expect,
Will my thoughts make you cry or,
will I die again on your smile.
I would rather choose to die again,
Than drenching those perfect eyes.
Things will be different and difficult with time,
But it will all soon be fine.
I will be there to keep an eye,
Not to defy you being with someone new,
but to see those pretty smile,
prevailing under those perfect eyes.
Keep a pup that will cheer you up,
At times it would draw my photo from your drawer,
Than you and that little pup,
could stare me with your evening tea cup.
I'll be waiting above so that you could hug me,dancing to tell you that you are my best me.
Time flies faster and will travel the fastest,
Soon you and I will have our meetfest.
And than you could tell me about your long days and sleepless nights,
And then I'll show you how I was there all the time by your side.
Till then it might be a bye ,
but nit a goodbye,
Cause byes are fine but goodbyes are forever'.