

I see you in Me!
When I see you, I just see me
It's me in yourself, speaking to me
I hear everybit of me in you
Is it possible never knew
But that is what I hear in you
The lovely nature all around you
Just speaks the heart out
And I like breeze flow and touch you
It's so wonderful to see

When I see you I just see me
Holding the guitar you play for me
The strings are my arms
And I hear my songs in you
When I say less words
The sound of beats echo in heart
And I feel like this music is me

When I see you I just see me
Your eyes sparkle and say zillion things
They tell me stories without words
Then in the silence of night
When you wake up and hug me
The fears I had, you share with me
I look into your eyes and feel peace
You are my version, I read
I trust you, more than me
When I see you, I just see me

© Siddharth Sen