

amorally poetic
Same goes the Wind
with the new Year not evening it ,
Sane loses the humble fiend
the heart loaf not leavening it.
I despised the Intuition too
but your nagging nymphs made it worse,
I might get a hold of the flu
not that your heart gave coarse .
maybe the Ancients know the cure
why thou can't be peaced amorally ,
Those times t'was Loki's magical lures
thou now its an age done so generally.
finding a Needle in your haystack might be easy
thou to find modesty is to search an ocean Pearl,
the ocean might help , but not the nymphs busy
for if I could find wud've been a prince or an earl.
Alas its the lack of poetry that's the motivation ,
To pen some love and notes of quotation.