

Time to leave.
Will you be happy if someone loves you the same way you love me?
Not just anyone,
But someone you are so deeply into,
Someone you fell for at first sight before you even knew them,
Some loves are just too hard to bear,
With great love comes the greatest pain of all the time,
With great happiness comes a stronger heart and mind,
With the greatest sadness comes unlimited tears and a weak mind
With a loving soul comes the warmest heart,
I'm that kind of person,
But in the end, I get one ending
Broken and hurt,
I'm the hardest pain in the ass,
The pain you wish to treat, heal, and get rid of it forever,
There we go again,
Playing cats and dogs,
Tom and Jerry,
Hide and seek in a dark forbidden dungeon,
No faithfulness,
And lies,
Two broken souls seeking revenge,
That's what I think,
Hidden pain in their smiles,
Blank eyes with zero emotions,
Empty promises that are never fulfilled,
Are never fulfilled,
It's time to go,
Further where nobody is gonna run after me,
Where my mental health and soul are protected.
Wish a great new beginning to myself.