

The vibe is perplexing me towards the end of the race,
In a lonely, stony location,
Because the missing piece is bonded in a certain place,
In a faraway, poison-free constellation,
I have to reach the end, for I have already began,
even though I am on the verge of giving up
I have to continue to end the pain of this endless journey,
I have been on since I am searching,
for once this journey will come to an end
the moment I'll get the piece which will join me again,,
holding my pieces I am trying to run, each one of it is giving up one by one.
I know this is not a good place to be in
my mind knows I need to get out of it, even though my heart says to rest,
to be on the way, I'll try my best.
in dreams of seeing myself complete and free,
I have to stay bounded by this pain for some more time,
my destination is waiting to return to me
all of the peace I have lost while going through this journey...

© rhythmydv