

2023- Biding a half hearted Byee 🖤
The year is ending
so is another chapter,
the tears, the laughs, the seasons,
the reasons are fading like a shadow

Trying to keep the warm blanket
of memories close to the heart,
even though some are
worth letting go,

The fading seasons telling
to start another story,
forgetting the dead past
but how come they know
it's not just a thing of dates and months
it's a promise,

A promise to walk together even tough Autumn comes,
to stay together even tough our soul never constel,

The burning scars of yesterday
aren't ready for another war,
the broken heart is not ready
to blend itself on the mark,

Still taking all the lessons
together, hoping all the confusions
of this heart might be solved,
and may be we'll meet again
to write another half of the story........
