

The thorns were fun
A garden full of roses
But I ran for your thorns
Plucking petals is not as inspiring as bleeding from cuts
I find beauty in the flaws
And I detest that gorgeous face
I don't want butterflies on my skin
That one time I kissed you was a sin
I wanted to bleed the poison out of me
You cut me up just to fill me in
At first, the poison tasted sweet
I lost my taste in your cotton bedsheet
To make sure, I did it again in the backseat
I made sure that my misery was complete.

My roses have been complementing your thorns
All along I was being sedated by daydreams
In fields that stretched far and wide
Despite our history somehow we still get stuck
In memories of how we managed
To experience pleasure in the sores and scars
With every kiss, we were both deceived
We ignored the pain and called it love
But now I see the truth, it was never enough
Your beauty was a distraction from your flaws
And now I'm left with nothing but thorns
And a garden full of wilted roses.

I was trapped in the garden of red roses
The roses smelled beautiful,
They numbed my senses
Absolutely paradoxical
I didn't feel trapped at all,
I was on cloud nine
Leaving planet Earth
And everything sensible.

I didn't feel lost at all in that labyrinth
I saw the path clear and I never looked back
Those love flowers gave me superpowers
I could see our future honey,
I was manifesting it in my visions,
Or maybe I was hallucinating
because of that potent compound,
I believed it was love; It was paradoxical,
I thought I see clear, but I was blind.

I must say the thorns were fun,
They tickled my skin
As I danced through the garden of red roses
Their sharpness didn't bother me,
For I was lost in this delusional paradise
I was trapped, but I didn't want to be freed
For in this garden, I found my escape
From the harsh realities of life I was lost in a dream, but it felt so right.

I've gained perspective away from you
Air to breathe that was not boxed in
You made me feel things but was it love?
Or was it disguised lust
Pardon the roses for they made a fuss
An hyperbolic assumption of what we were not; that is love.

© Juliet Jeyn

@JJuliet & @Gulian2.0
Juliet & Gulian

'The Rose's and Juliet's thorns'