

Angst of the innocent.
Image credit : From Freepik.com
We - the forlorn souls,

Destined to linger betwixt the realms of

God & Devil.

We've endured abominations of every tyrant's frenzy,

One ghastlier than before.

We - the anonymous phantoms.

Cursed to wander hither & thither,

Bound to witness our creed, slain without fault,

Down the ages.

We - the unfulfilled destinies.

Our dreams cut untimely,

Our childhood destroyed,

With swords shearing our bodies apart,

And guns piercing our existence into oblivion.

We - the restless sphinx

Feeling neither thirst nor hunger,

Nor sleep, nor pain or emotion, yet baffled by the angst ethereal.

We - the traded slaves

Our families taken forever,

Separated beyond all hopes.

Homes burned,

Wealth looted,

Our tears uncared for.

We - the oft exploited scapegoats

Victims of others' greed,

Whom justice was never served.

We - the travelers stuck en route

Queued in boredom since eternity.

Waiting for God to rise from his slumber,

Open his sleepy eyes,

And salvate us,

From the chain of sorrows.

© Kishan Trivedi

#innocent #war #Tragedy