

Beautiful pain every mother hides
Poem for Mother's Day!The beautiful pain every mother hides:

In the depths of a mother's love, a hidden pain resides,
Silently carried within, where strength and grace collide.
Through sleepless nights and endless worries,
She bears the weight, never seeking glories.

Her smile may mask the tears she's shed,
Her laughter may hide the moments she's bled.
For in her heart, a love so deep,
A sacrifice she willingly keeps.

With every step she takes, a burden she bears,
Yet her love for her children, she openly shares.
Through joys and sorrows, she stands tall,
A beacon of love, through it all.

So on this special day, let's take the time,
To honor the mothers, whose love is sublime.
For in their beautiful pain, we find,
A love that's eternal, gentle and kind.

I hope this poem captures the essence of a mother's love and the beautiful pain they carry. Happy Mother's Day!