

I am glad to be ME
I love to flaunt myself
The way my black eyes
Shine, and the way
My lips curves
When I flaunt
My imperfect smile.

I love my body
I love my shape
Fat or thin,
I don't care
It is what I am
And that is what
makes me beautiful.

The stretchmarks on
My skin
The acne on my face
The dark circles under
My eyes
The moles on my body
I love them, these are
The imperfections that
Make me perfect

The tooth gap,
wrinkles around my
Eyes, The thin lips
And my oily skin
It all makes me beautiful
Because this is who I am
It's a part of me, that
makes me perfect &
Whole and I love
Myself I am glad to
Be Me an imperfectly
Perfect ME.

© alpha Stella