

Open eye
Could you open your eyes before it is too late? You don't see what I see. You have been blinded by the lies you tell. I wonder when you look in a mirror. Who do you see by the side of you? But you asked me. Why wasn't I standing by you? You didn't see what was in front of you. It is like you had your eyes closed to me. I hope when you finally open your eyes, it won't be too late. Could you tell me the truth? Because your body tells me one thing. But your eyes hide from me because I can see right through you. So you try to block me from your reaction. You hide behind the lie you believe in yourself. So you hide it with I love you. I am done with the lie, and I won't be trapped with my feelings. It would help if you saw me pushed back from you. So maybe next time. You can believe me when I say no more. Not one more day of the lie, of you. Open your eyes before your life passes you by. You won't see the tears in my heart if you can't see me—only my promise.
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