

Good Vs Evil
Good Vs Evil:

Zombie is
As Zombie does
Follow the crowd
It’s safer that way
The government says
The science supports
And it never lies
It just changes its mind
In a collective denial
Are you any the wiser
Have you something to say
Or managed
By self-sacrifice
In a censorship way
For fear of Impalement
On the media sword
Social indoctrination
Straight from the woke
Commie fascists
Or neo-liberalists
Thinly disguised
It’s like Hitler
Had a love child
With Karl Marx
The worst of both worlds
It’s so fucked up
For me it is clear
Never back down
Right is right
True is true
Facts are facts
No matter
How loud they scream
And stamp their feet
Or bot clicks received
Don’t make yourself the bait
Be too good to eat
And lend a deaf ear
It’s turning around
Dumb is dumb
No matter
How you dress it up
Their eat themselves
Stand on me
Good Vs Evil
The battle lines are drawn
Cut the head off the zombie
And it too is dead

the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
“your Ringmaster”

Original words and thoughts penned of heart & mind of:
©Warren Mace, A.k.a the Dyslexic Poet™

© All Rights Reserved