

Dark is the night,
Darker the soul,
Fathomless depths,
Stories untold...
Still not unfold,
feelings went cold,
act if I'm bold,
Being heartless as if my
heart is sold,
Trying to control my life,
but can't be controlled,
Feeling myself as a load,
I'm writer,
Writing story of my life,
which is unheard,
I'm alone,
and broken,
In the darkness,
I will again break down,
I will sit at the corner of
my bedroom,
And cry,
While making no sound,
I want to scream,
If being happy is a crime,
Then yes I'm mean,
Don't expect me to handle all these,
Cause I'm still at my teen,
I wish it wasn't the reality,
Of my life,
But a horrible dream.

© JoYOuS