

Do thought kill us?
Do you ever feel like you keep your thoughts to yourself, too afraid to speak up?

It's something many of us do without realizing how much it affects us.

But think of your thoughts like water, always moving and need- ing a way out. When you keep them inside, it's like blocking a river with a dam. At first, it might not seem like a big deal, but as time passes, the pressure builds, and your thoughts weigh you down.

Why does this matter?

Because when we don't share our thoughts, we miss chancesto feel better, understood, and connected with others. Each time we stay silent, we miss an opportunity to lighten our load and build relationships.

As time goes on, those unspoken thoughts can become even heavier, making us feel more and more weighed down. It's not just a feeling; it's the accumulation of all those unsaid words and emotions.
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