

Night Drive
Once Late night, enraged, I pushed the door with a thud and took my bod outside the house.
Fought with my family members!
I Sat in the car and took it to no where. My car seemed no less than a bullet train, as I recklessly drove it in the dark. A while later, When some senses promptly dawned upon me, I gave a sudden jolt to my car. There was paucity of light around me as everything was wrapped in complete darkness. Looking around, I just realized the place, in the middle of which I had paused. Nevertheless, the distress in which I was engulfed in, made the fear of being alone in the huge forest, a little less. A lone tear unknowingly left through my eyes.
All of a sudden, a knock had broke my trance. The tickling of my jaw had gradually left when the sight through the mirror, surprised me.
A middle aged lady, her face perturbed and an infant in her arms, who had been crying mercilessly, stood staring back at me. The lady had been asking for help, with her cryptic eyes and sad face. I knew what I had to do, right then. Reverse the gear and speed towards somewhere peaceful, no not home! A slight fear bubbled inside my heart as I reverse my car and made my way towards the main road. But, no wonder why, the next thing which happened was me giving her permission to sit in my car. Something happened, perplexing my own self. I had just drove the car and took a glance towards the backside of the mirror. But to my own surprise,there was no one right behind me. No child, no mother. My heart hammered through my chest and I gulped. I took a look towards everywhere around me, and to my horror, an enormous tree appeared before me. All I knew at that moment that the lady had tricked me. I was palpitatating suddenly. Scared, I gave life to my engine and drove my car out of the obscure place. My fear knew no bounds, when I saw the lady right before my car with the same face, same expression, same kid. I was drenched in sweat as I saw her walking towards my car, steadily. Frightened, I shut my eyes and a while later found the noises lost somewhere. Slowly, I peeked towards the window and found her nowhere. The lady had disappeared again. My heart thumped against my chest and my eyes were dilated. I didn’t know what to do, I didn't know where to go. Startled, I jerked up and looked around. Phew! A cryptic dream had managed to drench me in fear. I patted heavily and kept my head against the headboard. 
It was 4 in the morning and all I could wondered about the mystery that was held beneath these enigmatic, fearful dreams.