

The next morning Sister Samantha woke up at 9:35 am thinking about Christ before she prepared herself for the Catholic church,After she finished she went outside her apartment and went straight over to Christ home."knock Knock knock" on the door Christ shouted"Who's it?" ,Once again he heard the knocking on the door , he gotten up with such an anger and open the door to his surprised its Samantha.All he should think about while looking at her is how she lied to him about her life,he stood there coursing so she left without saying a word with tears running down her eyes.She went to the elevator and wipe all the tears off her ears,After the went out the elevator she go straight to the church and saw her best friends (Sister Kimberly,Sister Kim, Sister Rose and Sister Natasha) with this new girl.She great them with a girl the sister Kimberly introduce Sister Kiesha(Annastacia Smith) to Sister Samantha.After they've finished talk they went to pray Infront a crucifix with beam with a light creating a cross on the wall.Few minutes after they've prayed the Sisters followed Sister Kiesha toa room that they gave her because she told them that she doesn't live anywhere.Sister Samantha told her best friends to meet her behind the church to talk in the next two minutes,It's now 1:00 am so they would've meet her there at 1:02 am. At 1:02 they met her there and she told them that she tells Christ everything and he hasn't forgives her as yet and he's very upset,While they're talking sister Kiesha had followed the girls and overhead everything that sister Samantha,sister Natasha,sister Kim,sister Kimberly and Sister Rose were talking about but she didn't said anything she just left and went back to her room.Sister Samantha went outside the church so that she could make a call to reach to her mother.She went back to her apartment to pack a bag so she could go back to city where her mom live so she could talk to her mom about everything: including her best friends, Christ,the wedding and much more.Few days had passed and she booked a flight and went back home. She waited outside her mom door for ten minutes before she went inside, Samantha finally decided to open the door and shouted"MOM MOM MOM " ,Her mom heard her voice and ran to the living room,Wow hunny you look so good and happy but what are you doing here? Hmm mom I came here to talk to you about something's,"what's that ? the mother asked.
So I went to the church and I was fine until I went to buy something,I met this guy and we started talking,Fell inlove and now we're engaged 😩 but I would love to have you there😩 no one knows the truth other than my four best friends who's at the church and my fiance but he's still upset at me and I don't know what to do.Her mom slapped her in the face and shouted"your such an embarrassment you know that right Samantha?, Samantha fell to the floor and started crying.

© Annastacia smith