

The movement of love and hate
How love and hate operations
Which is more powerful in a real sense

Love and hate are two words often used in our daily life, but for a few who know their true meaning and how their movement occurs. Before I move any step further, I'll love to give a basic inside on these words_ Love, Like, and Hate.

Love: the word love according to the English dictionary "To derive delight from a fact or situation."

According to the Bible, the word Love is attributed to have certain qualities as stated in 1st Corinthians 13:1-13
in verse four (4), Love is said to be patient and kind, not conceited or proud nor attributed with any form of jealousy. It is not ill-mannered neither selfish nor irritable, it keeps no record of wrongdoing, never happy with evil, but happy with that which is truth.

The most important thing about love in the Bible is that love never gives up. Love is enternal_ never-ending.

Hate: to hate in simple term means to dislike intensely or greatly to a state wherein you'll wish someone/something didn't exist.

Love and hate move in one direction, but hate tends to move more swiftly than that of love. Hate is fast; faster than light.

The moment you start to hate people the moment you start to see all the negative part of whatever is done by people. The people you hate can never be right in your sight, they can never do anything well. You base all your life on putting fault on whatever is done by them. It grows strong, and stronger until it achieves the point wherein it becomes hard to get rid of it. People sometimes don't even remember good deeds, I bet all they remember others for is the wrong one may have done to them.

Hate is like a spark, once set, it grows with no halt. The only thing hate can give you is an added hate. People hate others for no good reasons.

Love, on the other hand, is a slow and sure mover. It grows where one list expects it to grow from. Love is not as fast as hate, 'cause it's powerful and unending. Love breeds; it gives rise to another love and it keeps growing till it becomes unbearable for the darkness ( that which is hate). It leaves hate no option but to give way to that which is good.

Love is like a seed planted by a farmer: sowing the seed represents the sacrifice of self. It then starts to grow. Times will come for the new plant to look pail_ this are the hard times love faces, it only gets to overcome this stage when the necessary are added; just as the farmer does the addition of fertilizer/manure to the plants.

*How love and hate operates:*
Hate tries to overpower love in all its ways. It does not stop suppressing and oppressing love. Love on the other hand is a calm fellow, a gentle giver that does not stop given even when hate may have taken all possessed by him. As love never stops the act of giving, hate grows powerless. We know the faster you run the fatigue you get, so also for hate; it gets warry, with no chance to rest, it ends up dying.

Love is the answer.
Don't resent yourself from doing that which is good, cause the good always stays the good and the bad submit to that which is good. When you love, keep loving.

Love doesn't go without these key things: patient, kind, not conceited or proud, nor is it attributed with any form of jealousy. It is not ill-mannered neither selfish nor irritable, it keeps no record of wrongdoing, never happy with evil, but happy with that which is truth.

Love is external which makes it the most powerful of all. With love, you can conquer the world.

© Dfonjah