

Test of courage
" Before we start the game let me say that this is not a real gun. although it might look and sound like a real gun. It's not. It's a toy, got that?"

"Now, the rules are just like a normal Russian roulette game. a player places a single round in a revolver, spins the cylinder, places the muzzle against the head or body (of the opponent or themselves), and pulls the trigger. But in this case instead of being aware of your surroundings, you will be blindfolded with a black cloth. Every player gets two turns per round. "

" The reward is P10000. 00. Remember that everyone of us contributed in putting together this money. It would be a shame if someone gets all the cash and you end up with nothing in your hands, wouldn't it?"

"I would say good luck, but I'm in this game of luck too. so I would be counting on it to be on my side. Let's start, shall we? Once the five of you are done blindfolding yourselves, say it out loud."

Ara: l'm done!

Karabo: ready!

Isaic: let do this!

Motho : no hard feelings, but get ready to lose, you guys!

Angela; look at who's talking. I'm all set, Josh!

"I will start first."

Josh placed a round in the revolver, spined the cylinder and aimed at Motho.

... *Click! *

Aw why? Please, let it be another empty round.

Motho: hehe. I told you I'm winning!

Josh placed the revolver's muzzle against his forehead and pressed the trigger.

*Bang! *

"*Sigh*, what rotten luck. I guess l'm the first one to be eliminated."

Alana: whoa!



Motho: whoa! It sounds like the real thing.

Karabo: y-yeah! I'm not sure, I-I want to play anymore.

"Hehehe. Don't worry, as you can hear I'm not dead by any means. No harm will ever come to you guys, Promise."

everyone put aside their worries and continued playing the game.

"Motho, it's your turn. Here is the gun. I have put a bullet in for you. Just think carefully and don't take your chances lightly. Spin the cylinder before choosing your target. Remember there is only one bullet and five rounds, ok?"

Motho : ok, ok, ok! I get it! You don't need to replicate it over and over.

"Just trying to help, that's all. "

Motho spined the revolver's cylinder and tried taking a shot at karabo, but before shooting he said,

Motho: wait, how will I know I'm aiming at my target with this blindfold on?

"I can help you with that. Just tell me who she/he is, and I'll help you aim towards that person."

Motho : ok. Karabo.

Josh shifted Motho's left hand towards karabo.

"You can shoot now."

*Click! *

Motho: Ahh! Danm. Isaic.

Josh pointed Motho's hand towards isaic.

*Click! *

"Your turn now has ended, motho. Hand over the gun. "

Motho reluctantly gave Josh the gun.

Josh lended the gun to Angela.

"Your turn, Angela. Spin the cylinder."

Angela: I want to eliminate Motho. He is annoying and full of himself.

Josh pointed her hand to Motho's direction.

*Bang! *

A loud thud could be heard, hitting the floor.

Angela : whoa! motho. Are you okay? Hehe.


Angela: hey, answer me.


Angela: stop playing around. Answer me!

.. Motho: Gotcha! Haha. You were worried, weren't you?

Angela: shut up!

"OK, you have one move left. let's continue, but Let me put a bullet in the round, after you must swirl the cylinder once more. "

Angela raised the revolver upon her side head. Before long-

*Click! *

Angela: *Exhaled* I'm still in this. Thank God.

Your turn has ended, Angela.

Josh gave the gun to Ara.

It's your turn, Ara. Make it count.

Ara: Jeez, this is really nerve rocking. You inserted the robber bullet, right?

"Yes, of course."

Ara: sorry bestie! but one of us got to lose.

Josh can you help me aim for Angela

"Of course! But twirl the cylinder first, my lady."

She spined the cylinder.

He prepared her hand to take the shot.

*Bang! *

Another thud achoed in the room.

Ara: put another bullet in, I'm going after karabo this time.

You seem to be enjoying this, I didn't know you craved the reward this badly.

Ara: c'mon! It's not like I killed anyone. It's game night. It doesn't hurt to be competitive once in a while, right?

"Sure, sure. You're so right. Especially if there's a big prize on the line. "

Ara:right! You get it. Karabo is next. Again no hash feelings, ok?

Spined the cylinder.

Josh adjusted the right hand of Ara


Ara: strike! I'm on a roll today. Opss! I'm starting to sound like Motho. Hehe.

" The game is not over yet, don't get too excited. By the way, you're out of moves. Hand over the gun. "

Ara gave back the gun to Josh. In continuation, Josh granted the gun to Isaic.

"It seems that we reached the finals. Now it's time for the main event, we all have been waiting for! Both participants good luck and do your best!"

Josh put a bullet in a round of the gun, that was in

Isaic's hands.

Isaic pointed the gun to his head and

Pressed the trigger.

*Click! *

Pressed it once more.

*Click! *

And the gun was switched to the other opponent. Ara was met with the same result and

Returned the gun to Isaic. Isaic decided to shoot himself, estimating that there will be a bullet on his next move. He asked just Josh to direct his left hand towards Ara.


Isaic: so, did I win?

"Yes! And you can take off your blindfold to claim your prize."

Joyfully isaic took off hisblindfold, ready to rub his victory in his friend's faces.

He glanced at everyone in the room and his body ran cold. He couldn't move on his chair. His smile was dripping. He looked at Josh who causally standing in the middle, staring back at him, wearing black gloves.

Isaic : what's going on? What's all of this?

You won! Why are you so blue, huh?

You should be happy. You won P10000.00

Isaic : you said the revolver wasn't real!

So how are my friends laying on the ground, you bastard!

"Calm down, the gun was fake. Mine anyway. Hehe."

Isaic : stop laughing you jerk! Why Huh? Why do this? They were your friends too, you know?

"Haaahaha, friends. Friendship to me doesn't mean anything. Friends to me are people who you can manipulate, as long as it seems like you are doing something for them, not for yourself. Get it now? When I said you won, I lied. I'm sorry,but the true winner of this game was me all along. People when they find out about this massacre, they will think you guys went mad and killed each other because of the money. "

Ara:you are lying. You have to be playing a joke on me. C'mon! I heard voices during the game. You are not this of a person, I know you aren't.

" can you really say that you know me just because we were childhood friends, hahn? Think again.Just because you call someone a friend, it doesn't mean you know what they're Thinking. Now concerning the voices You heard I was using this to change my voice to fit each individual. I was operating this app through my phone you see.

Angela's voice "hi! Pretty cool, huh?"

Josh picked up the gun, put a bullet into the gun's round and silenced Isaic forever.
© m. k